Node.js Client

Documentation on our Node.js client, for easy API usage. Perfect for automating deployments.

Install the Client Anchor

Note! If you just want to follow along with the documentation you can skip this step.

Make sure you have a computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux with Node.js installed before proceeding.

First, you'll have to download our client. This is a Node.js package we made that'll let you easily interact with our API.

What package manager do you use?

$ yarn add raas-api

Now, require the package in your Node.js code.

const raas = require('raas-api')

Supported Memes Anchor

See the related section in the API docs.

Get API Key Anchor

Revoke & Regenerate API Key Anchor

Warning! This will cause all programs still using your old API key to stop working.

Set API Key Anchor

You must run this to be able to use any API functions. Note that it isn't recommended to get the key programmatically, instead you should store it in an environment variable.

Create a Deployment Anchor

List Deployments Anchor

Get Deployment Info Anchor

View a Deployment Anchor

Warning! Note that a deployment's view count is automatically incremented every time it's visited.

Delete a Deployment Anchor

Create/Update an Alias Anchor

If the alias doesn't exist, it'll be created, but if it does it'll be updated with the new code.

List Aliases Anchor

Get Alias Info Anchor

Delete an Alias Anchor

Errors Anchor

See the related section in the API docs.