Quick Start

A short guide to getting started with RaaS as fast as possible. Read through this first if you're new.

Install the CLI Anchor

Make sure you have a computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux with Node.js installed before proceeding.

First, you'll have to download our command line interface. This is what you'll use to quickly create deployments.

What package manager do you use?

$ yarn global add raas-cli

Now you're going to have to log in. Don't worry about creating an account, this will be done automatically if you don't have one.

$ raas login

Create a Deployment Anchor

Now you're going to create your first deployment. It's going to be a simple rickroll.

$ raas
RaaS CLI v1.0.0
> Meme index is 0
> Code is IOcH3vyLL
SUCCESS Deployment available at https://raas.now.sh/d/IOcH3vyLL

Click on the link and you should be rickrolled! Of course, your code will be different.

Alias Your Deployment Anchor

An alias is used to create a custom readable name for your rickroll. They can also be used for custom domains later on.

Make sure to choose an alias that nobody else has taken!

$ raas alias rickroll
RaaS CLI v1.0.0
> Code is IOcH3vyLL
> Alias is rickroll
SUCCESS Alias available at https://raas.now.sh/a/rickroll

By default, RaaS will alias your latest deployment. If you want to alias a specific deployment, just specify the code like in the example below.

$ raas alias IOcH3vyLL rickroll
RaaS CLI v1.0.0
> Code is IOcH3vyLL
> Alias is rickroll
SUCCESS Alias available at https://raas.now.sh/a/rickroll